Top News

New book coming soon
We are pleased to announce our new book about wood ants. The German edition will be available from March 2025. Ingo photographed this project over a period of two years. It contains pictures of behavior never documented before. The book was again beautifully designed by Silke Arndt. Pre-order your copy here.

New story worldwide in National Geographic Magazine
February 2025: After two years of photographic work for our new project on wood ants, it has now been published worldwide in the February 2025 issue of National Geographic Magazine. Absolutely fascinating animals and very important for the forest ecosystem! Get a copy if you can, or take a look online at the NatGeo website here.

New book printed
February 2025: Ingo is back from Italy, where our new book about wood ants was printed. Ingo and Fabian Arnet from KNESEBECK publisher did the print approval together. The printed sheets look fantastic! From mid-March the book will be available, more information and pre-order here.

Back home from Finland
January 2025: We are back home from a wonderful trip to Finland, where Ingo had the opportunity to photograph Northern Lights and various animals in the snowy winter landscape.

Andean Condor Story in Terra Mater Magazine
November 2024: Terra Mater Magazine, Austria, published a wonderful Andean Condor story from Ingo's assignment on 20 pages. Get a copy if you can!

National Geographic Pictures of the Year
November 2024: National Geographic Magazine published in the "Pictures of the Year" December issue Ingo's picture of a wood ant hatching. It is part of a new project. More information coming soon...

“Jaeger des Lichts” back on stage
November 2024: Ingo and his friends Bernd Roemmelt, David Hettich and Markus Mauthe are back on stage. After Freiburg, Friedrichshafen, Stuttgart... there will be more live shows. Information and dates here. Watch a short video from the live show in Stuttgart here. Our new book can be ordered here. (Photo: A. Wakim)

Wildlife Photographer of the Year
October 2024: Ingo was honored with an award at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition. The WPY is the most prestigious competition for wildlife photography in the world. More information here. (Photo: S. Bartocha)

Back home from Sweden
September 2024: We spent three weeks travelling in Sweden, where Ingo had the opportunity to photograph Northern Lights. It is pure magic to see them dancing in the sky.

Pumas in Patagonia
August 2024: Ingo is back from another exciting trip to Patagonia. After many years, he was able to photograph his beloved pumas again. One of the pumas he encountered is the daughter of a female named Sarmiento, whom Ingo had followed for several months between 2017 and 2019 for his National Geographic Magazine story and book.

Two new art series available
July 2024: We have two new Art Series available. BlackSand features photographs from Iceland and WaterShapes was photographed in Brazil, Iceland and Germany. Take a look at the pictures and get more information here. The new works is only available trough our gallery partner SmithDavidson. More information here.
Top News

New book coming soon
We are pleased to announce our new book about wood ants. The German edition will be available from March 2025. Ingo photographed this project over a period of two years. It contains pictures of behavior never documented before. The book was again beautifully designed by Silke Arndt. Pre-order your copy here.