
New “Jaeger des Lichts” book available
April 2023: Together with his friends and colleagues David Hettich, Markus Mauthe and Bernd Römmelt, Ingo published a new "Jaeger des Lichts" book. In addition to the best pictures of the last ten years, there are exciting interviews with lots of information to read. The book is designed by Silke Arndt, written by Martin Rasper and published by our favorite publisher KNESEBECK. A book for all friends of nature and photography. Order your copy (only available in German) here. More information about a new "Jaeger des Lichts - Tour" coming soon...

KunstRAI Art Fair in Amsterdam
April 2023: Our partner, the SmithDavidson Gallery, will be presenting Ingo's work on Animal Architecture at the KunstRAI Art Fair in Amsterdam from May 03rd to 07th. More information here.

TerraX Production
March 2023: March 2023: We are proud to be part of the successful German television production "TerraX - Schlaue Schwärme". The two-part series is still available online here.

Back home from Peru
January 2023: We are back home from a trip to the impressive Peruvian rainforest of Manu National Park and Tambopata National Reserve. Ingo managed to photograph some animal species that he had always dreamed of. Macaws, the Andean cock-of-the-rock and the elusive giant river otter...

PAN Amsterdam Art Fair
November 2022: Our partner, the SmithDavidson Gallery, will be presenting Ingo's pictures at the PAN Amsterdam Art Fair 20-27 November. We will be there on Wednesday 23 November and look forward to meeting you. More information about the fair here.

100 Best Photographs of National Geographic
November 2022: National Geographic Magazine published a special issue "100 Best Photographs of National Geographic" with the very best photography within the 21st century. Ingo's picture of drinking honeybees was selected. To be honest, he was hoping for a puma picture... but of course he is happy ;-)

Back from the UK
October 2022: Ingo is back home from another wonderful trip to the UK, where he photographed shorebirds for his long-term "Animal Masses" project.

Siena International Photo Awards
October 2022: Ingo was honored with three awards at the Siena International Photo Awards in Italy. More information here.

Back home from filming in the UK
October 2022: We are back home from an exciting trip to the UK filming the last animal species for a German TerraX television production.

More film work
July 2022: Ingo will be filming for TerraX and Netflix productions until fall. After that, the work for a new photo project will begin. Hopefully Covid doesn't thwart our plans...
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New book coming soon
We are pleased to announce our new book about wood ants. The German edition will be available from March 2025. Ingo photographed this project over a period of two years. It contains pictures of behavior never documented before. The book was again beautifully designed by Silke Arndt. Pre-order your copy here.